In the Economic and Management Science Grade 7, we learn about “Characteristics of Traditional Societies”, under the main topic: The Economy – History of Money. This is the work for Term 1.
When learning about the characteristics of modern society, you need to know how to compare traditional societies with modern societies, and also know the basics of bartering.
Tip: If you were asked in class the following question: “Mention 5 characteristics of traditional societies”, you will find the answers in the below.
Definition of Traditional Societies:
A traditional society is a tribal community of people that lives simply, by relying on nature and their traditions to survive. They produce their own food and goods, using basic tools and methods, without trade or modern technology.
Characteristics of Traditional Societies
Below are the main characteristics of traditional societies:

Let’s look at the characteristics in more detail:
Members of traditional societies survive from day to day using what nature provides.
No trade or money
Members of the traditional societies, do not buy, sell, or trade goods.
Hunter-gatherer life
Members of the traditional societies lived by hunting animals and gathering plants to survive.
Subsistence living
Subsistence living was the way of life in the traditional societies. This means people survived by meeting only basic needs, like food, water, and shelter, without the need to produce extra for trade or profit.
Few goods and services
People in the traditional societies did not have many possessions. They only had the most basic things for daily life.
Spiritual and Beliefs
People in the traditional societies are very spiritual. They believe in various forms of religious practices.
No advanced technology
They survived through hard work without modern tools.
Cultural Norms and values
Traditional societies belive in their cultural norms and values. This simply means every aspect of their lives are ruled by their cultural strong beliefs and practices
Examples of Traditional Societies Around the World
Below are a few examples of traditional societies found all over the world, indicating how long they have been in existence:
San People (Southern Africa, from over 20 000 years ago to present)

The San People (Khoi San) traditional society group is found in South Africa, and has been in existence for over 20 000 years till present.
Twa People (Central Africa, from over 10 000 years ago to present)

The Twa People traditional society group is found in Central Africa and has been in existence for over 10 000 years till present.
Inuit (Alaska and Northern Canada, from around 4 000 years ago to present)

The Inuit traditional society group is found in Alaska and Northern Canada and has been in existence for around 4 000 years till present.
Yanomami (Amazon Rainforest, from over 1 000 years ago to present)

The Yanomami traditional society group is found in the Amazon Rainforest and has been in existence for over 1 000 years till present.
Aborigines (Australia, from over 65 000 years ago to present)

The Aborigines traditional society group is found in Australia and has been in existence for over 65 000 years till present.
Ainu (Japan, from over 10 000 years ago to present)

The Ainu traditional society group is found in Japan and has been in existence for over 10 000 years till present.
Hmong Tribes (Southeast Asia, from over 5 000 years ago to present)

The Hmong Tribes traditional society group is found in Southeast Asia and has been in existence for over 5 000 years till present.
Polynesians (Samoa and Tonga, from over 3 000 years ago to present)

The Polynesians traditional society group is found in Samoa and Tonga and has been in existence for over 3 000 years till present.
Maori (New Zealand, from around 1 000 years ago to present)

The Maori traditional society group is found in New Zealand and has been in existence for around 1 000 years till present.
Gond Tribes (India, from over 4 000 years ago to present)

Drishti IAS
The Gond Tribes traditional society group is found in India and has been in existence for over 4 000 years till present.