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Types of Goals in Life Orientation Grade 11

What are goals?

On this page, we will learn about the types of goals in Life Orientation Grade 11. This is term 1’s work for week 1 to week 3. The types of goals section falls under the broader topic Development of the self in society: Plan and achieve life goals.

In order to master this section, you need to know what goals are, as well as the types of goals.

What are goals? 

Life Orientation Grade 11 definition for “goals” :

Goals are the things we want to achieve in life. It is our plan and aims. They are different from dreams and wishes in that we can take active steps to achieve goals. We can turn our wish into a goal. 

What are goals?
What are goals?

Why are Goals Important?

Goals are very important for the following reasons:

Through the existence of goals, we know where we are going.

Goals are important because they help you to take charge of your life and make decisions. 

You must set SMART goals

SPECIFIC What do I want to achieve? You must say exactly what you want to achieve.  Who is involved?/What do I need to be able to do this. 
MEASURABLE You must be able to measure if your make progress and achieve 
ACHIEVABLE What do I need to achieve it? Money, skills, abilities. 
REALISTIC You must be able to achieve it and must be willing to work towards achieving the goals. 
TIME BASED You must set a time limit to achieve your goals 

3 Types of Goals

Grade 11 LO students are expected to know at least 3 types of goals. More would be great of course.

Here are the five types of goals:

1. Short-term goals: these are the goals that are achieved in a short space of time, such as daily and weekly goals. Completing reading a book over the weekend is a short-term goal.

2. Medium-term goals: these are the goals that you would like to achieve in 6 months time. Medium-term goals are made up of short-term goals.

3. Long-term goals. these are those goals that you achieve over a very long time. Examples of these goals can be: becoming a lawyer or becoming a great singer. Long-term goals are made up of short and medium-term goals.

How to Achieve Your Goals

Below is how you can achieve your goals

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