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Songhai Empire Essay Grade 10

On this page, we will be guiding you on how to pass Grade 10 Songhai Empire essay questions for your tests and exams.

Songhai Empire is part of your Term 1 learning objectives for the History Grade 10 subject. The following topics ar importantfor week 2 – week 4 of Term 1:

 Songhai: An African Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries (around 1340 to 1591) 

  • The Songhai Empire under Sonni Ali: Government and society 
  • Travel and trade in Songhai at the height of its power (Arab, Italian and Jewish merchants at Timbuktu) 
  • Learning and culture 
  • Fall of the Empire: Moroccan invasion of 1591 

Important Terminologies for Songhai Empire Essay Grade 10

When dealing with Songhai Empire essay, the following sections are very important:

  • Empire: This is a big area of land which is ruled by one person or the government.
  • Oral Tradition: This refers to sharing of stories and history through talking and not writing.
  • Federation: This refers to a group of states that are working together under the main government.
  • Mansa: A king or ruler in ancient Mali.
  • Caravans: These are groups of people traveling together, often for trade.
  • Civil War: This refers to a fight that happens amongst people in the same country.

How African Kingdoms Became Powerful

When dealing with Songhai Empire, as a Grade 10 student, it is important to understand how African kingdoms were formed and became powerful.

How African Kingdoms Became Powerful
How African Kingdoms Became Powerful

African kingdoms became very powerful in the world because of the following:

  • Great Kingdoms started from about the year 700 AD in West Africa.
  • These kingdoms became powerful due to their control of gold and salt across the Sahara Desert.
  • The main reason why salt was highly valued, is because it could preserve meat in Africa’s hot climates.
  • The Gold which was mined in West Africa had a great market value in both the Arab world and Europe.
  • Arab traders were the link between Africa and what was referred to as the outside world.
  • Trade routes across the Mediterranean Desert took gold out of West Africa and brought salt into West Africa.
  • Kingdoms that controlled these trade routes became rich and powerful.
  • The first of these kingdoms was Ghana, followed by Mali, and finally Songhai.
  • Songhai became wealthy through trade

Songhai Empire Essay Questions from Real Past Papers

Essay Question 1

The Songhai Empire grew from the savannah region of West Africa through conquest and expansion in the mid-15th century. In light of the above statement critically discuss the growth and activities of the Songhay empire during the 15th century. This is a 50 marks questions

Essay Question 2

Explain the political, economic and social features of the Songhai and indicate  why the empire collapsed in the late 16th century. 

Essay Question 3

How Sunni Ali Made Songhai an Empire (1463–1492)?

How Sunni Ali Made Songhai an Empire (1463–1492)
How Sunni Ali Made Songhai an Empire (1463–1492)
  • Songhai became the most important empire in West Africa, replacing Mali.
  • It began as a small kingdom along the Niger River.
  • By the 11th century, Gao was an important trade city controlled by Songhai.
  • In 1323, Mali invaded and made Songhai a vassal state.
  • Mali’s problems in the 15th century helped Songhai gain independence.
  • Sunni Ali became king in 1464 and protected Gao from the Mossi kingdom.
  • He expanded Songhai’s land and controlled trade routes.
  • In 1471, Songhai captured Timbuktu, a cultural and learning centre.
  • In 1473, Djenne, an economic hub, was also captured.
  • By the 1480s, Sunni Ali defeated the Taureg and Mossi kingdoms.
  • He mixed military strength with smart administration.
  • Sunni Ali supported traditional African religions alongside Islam.
  • This upset Islamic scholars but united different groups.
  • His leadership made Songhai powerful in trade, culture, and politics.
  • Songhai became a dominant empire under Sunni Ali’s rule.


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