Ndaa, vhathu vha hashu vha funwaho! Kha ino ngudo, ni ḓo guda nga ha milayo ya luambo, zwipiḓa zwa ipfi, na nḓila ya u shumisa madzina na maiti nga nḓila yo teaho. Ni ḓo vhona uri maipfi o fhambanaho a dzudzanywa hani u itela u sumbedza vhushaka, u fana na thangi, mudzi, na mutshila.
Ri ḓo vha ri tshi ṱalutshedza nga ha ḽikhaṱi ḽa maiti (ḽa ndi, ndo, ḓo) na nḓila ine zwi tshi khou shumiswa ngayo zwi nga bveledza mbofho kha zwoṱhe zwine na amba kana na ṅwala. Huna zwiga zwa luambo, sa dzherandi, masala, na milayo ine ya ita uri luambo lwa Tshivenda lu ḓivhee.
Maipfi a Tshivenda: Introduction to Tshivenda Language and Grammar
Maipfi a Tshivenda Luambo Lwa Hayani (Grammar and Literature):
A ṱanganedzaho mafhungo
Tshivenda: Ndi muvhali, muthetshelesi kana muṱaleli wa zwibveledzwa.
English: A narrator, listener, or viewer of a work.
Akhironimi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Lushaka lwa pfufhifhadzo hune ha vha na u buleaho sa ipfi, u fana na TSHIKEVHA (Tshikriste, Kereke, Vhana). HIV a si akhironimi, ngeno AIDS hu akhironimi sa izwi i tshi vhalea sa ipfi.
English: Acronym – a shortened form of a phrase pronounced as a word, e.g., TSHIKEVHA (Tshikriste, Kereke, Vhana). HIV is not an acronym, but AIDS is since it can be read as a word.
Tshivenda: Ndovhololo ya themba kana pfalandoṱhe dzi fanaho, kanzhi dzi vha dza mathomoni. Ndovhololo ya themba ndi asonentsi ngeno ya pfalandoṱhe hu khonsonentsi.
English: Alliteration – the repetition of similar sounds, usually at the beginning of words. Vowel repetition is assonance, while consonant repetition is consonance.
Analodzhi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: U wana zwi fanaho kha zwithu zwo ḓoweleaho u vhonala zwi sa fani.
English: Analogy – finding similarities in things that appear different.
Tshivenda: Nganeapfufhi yo ḓisendekaho nga tshenzhemo ya muthu.
English: Anecdote – a short story based on a personal experience.
Tshivenda: Ndi thekhiniki ine ha shumiswa zwifanyiso zwo imaho zwi ṋeaho muhumbulo wa u ri zwi khou tshimbila.
English: Animation – a technique of creating moving images from static pictures.
Tshivenda: Thevhekano ya pfalandoṱhe – ndovhololo ya pfalandoṱhe kha maipfi mavhili kana u fhira.
English: Assonance – the repetition of vowel sounds in two or more words.
Tshivenda: Fhungo kana muhumbulo we wa shumiseswa nga nḓila yo kalulaho lune wa xedza ṱhalutshedzo.
English: A phrase or idea that is overused, losing its original impact.
Figara dza muambo
Tshivenda: Maipfi kana mafurase a shumiswaho nga nḓila yo dzumbamaho u itela u pfumisa.
English: Figures of speech – words or phrases used creatively for emphasis or effect.
Foniki Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Vhushaka ha mibvumo na kupeleṱele. Foniki u shumiswa kha u vhala na u ṅwala.
English: Phonics – the relationship between sounds and their spelling, used in reading and writing.
Fonimi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Mibvumo i re kha luambo, tsumbo “t” na “k” sa kha tapa na kapa, “th” na “kh” sa kha thoro na khoro.
English: Phoneme – the smallest units of sound in a language, e.g., “t” and “k” in “tapa” and “kapa.”
Fontho Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Muelo kana lushaka lwa kuṅwalele kwa maḽeḓere lwo shumiswaho hu tshi thaiphiwa.
English: Font – a style or set of characters in typing.
Homonimi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ipfi ḽi fanaho mubvumo na tshivhumbeo na ḽiṅwe, hone ḽi tshi amba zwi sa faniho naḽo, tsumbo “fula.”
English: Homonym – a word that sounds and is spelled the same as another but has a different meaning, e.g., “fula” (to shear) vs. “fula” (to blow).
Khanganyiso Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ṱhalutshedzo mbili dzi ḓiswaho nga kushumisele kwa ipfi kana fhungo.
English: Ambiguity – the possibility of multiple interpretations for a word or phrase.
Khepisheni Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ṱhoho ya athikili, tshifanyiso na tshinepe, nz.
English: Caption – the heading or text accompanying an image or article.
Khuḓano Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Khakhathi i re hone vhukati ha vhabvumbedzwa kana vhukati ha vhathu na vhulombo ho vha livhaho.
English: Conflict – the tension or disagreement between characters, individuals, or forces in a story.
Khudzaipfi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: U amba nga nḓila ine vhagudi vha tea u u pfa hu si na u konḓelwa.
English: Tone – speaking in a manner that is easy for students to understand.
Tshivenda: U kona u vhala ha u tou humbulela zwa vhukati ha mitala nga nḓila ine zwa sia u na muhumbulo nga ha tshithu.
English: Inferencing – the ability to read between the lines and draw conclusions about something based on given information.
Kuhumbulele kwa vhusiki
Tshivenda: Maitele a u humbula nga ha mihumbulo kana nyimele nga nḓila ya vhusiki na i songo ḓoweleaho.
English: Creative thinking – a way of thinking about ideas or situations uniquely to understand or approach them in a new and innovative manner.
Tshivenda: Nḓila ine muthu a ima ngayo kana u ḓihwala ngayo musi a tshi amba.
English: Demeanor – the manner in which someone presents themselves or carries themselves while speaking.
Ḽiedzamuthu Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Afha ndi hune zwiito zwa muthu zwa fanyiswa na zwa tshithu tshi sa tshili.
English: Personification – attributing human qualities to non-human objects or ideas.
Ḽifanyisi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: U vhambedza zwithu nga u shumisa maipfi ane a fanyisa tshithu na tshiṅwe, o hula sa nḓou.
English: Simile – comparing two things using words such as “like” or “as,” e.g., “he is as strong as an elephant.”
Ḽimetafore Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ndi musi hu tshi shumiswa tshiṅwe tshithu u amba nga ha tshiṅwe tshine tsha vha na zwi fanaho natsho.
English: Metaphor – a direct comparison of two things without using “like” or “as,” e.g., “he is a lion in battle.”
Ḽimudi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ipfi ḽi shumiswaho kha u sumbedza zwine mubvumbedzwa a vha zwone kana nyanyuwo kha zwibveledzwa zwa vhudavhidzani.
English: Mood – the feeling or atmosphere created by a piece of writing or communication.
Ḽinakisedzi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: U amba zwithu zwine zwa nga vhaisa nga nḓila ya u zwi nakisa.
English: Euphemism – saying something harsh or unpleasant in a mild or indirect way.
Ḽiṋaṋedzi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: U pima zwithu nga nḓila yo fhiraho mpimo.
English: Hyperbole – exaggeration used for emphasis or effect.
Ḽiṅwalo ḽa girafiki
Tshivenda: Ḽiṅwalo ḽine mafhungo a ṋekedzwa nga u tou vhona (sa kha daigiramu, girafu, nz.).
English: Graphic text – information presented visually, such as in diagrams or graphs.
Ḽishandi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ndi ipfi ḽine ḽa fana zwo ambiwaho nga maipfi a u thoma.
English: Echo – a word or phrase that repeats the meaning or sound of the beginning statement.
Ḽiṱanganyi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ipfi ḽi shumiswaho u ṱanganya matavhi a mafhungo kha mutaladzi.
English: Conjunction – a word used to connect phrases or sentences.
Tshivenda: Lu nyanyulaho – lumbo lu karusaho zwipfi zwihulwane.
English: Language – a system of communication that expands thoughts into understandable expressions.
Luambo lwa Hayani
Tshivenda: Luambo lune vhagudi vha lu guda nga u lu shumisa hayani kana kha tshitshavha.
English: Home language – the language learners use at home or in their community.
Luambo lwa Nyengedzedzo
Tshivenda: Luambo lune vhagudi vha lu guda nga u lu shumisa hayani kana kha tshitshavha.
English: Additional language – a language learned outside of one’s native or home language.
Luambo lwa u Engedza
Tshivenda: Luambo lu gudiwaho lu tshi engedza lwa Hayani.
English: Enrichment language – a language taught to broaden knowledge and skills beyond the home language.
Luambo lwa u fhuredzela
Tshivenda: Ndi luambo lune kanzhi lu shumiswa kha u fhuredzela.
English: Persuasive language – language often used to influence or convince others.
Luambotavhi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ndi luambo lu shumiswaho nga vhathu vha muvhundu muthihi.
English: Dialect – a form of language spoken in a particular region or by a specific group.
Lushaka lwa tshishumiswa tsha ḽitheretsha
Tshivenda: Lushaka lune tshibveledzwa tsha vhudavhidzani tsha ḽitheretsha tsha wela khalwo.
English: Genre – a category of literary or media production.
Luvhengela mbiluni Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: U sa kona u konḓelela kana u dzula wo ṋea khaṱhulo kha muthu, tshigwada, muhumbulo kana tshiitisi.
English: Bias – an inability to remain neutral or the tendency to favor a certain person, group, or idea.
Maaravhi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Maipfi ane a shumiswa kha u aravha kana u ḓidzhenisa kha zwithu.
English: Response – words or actions used to reply or engage with something.
Mafhambanyi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Maipfi a re na ṱhalutshedzo dzi hanedzanaho.
English: Antonyms – words with opposite meanings.
Maipfi mavhumbwa Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Maipfi o vhumbwaho a tshi bva kha maṅwe kana kha midzi.
English: Compound words – words formed by combining others or derived from roots.
Maṱhakheni Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Tshipiḓa tshi takadzesaho kana tsha ndeme tsha nganetshelo tshi anzelaho u ḓa mafheleloni.
English: Climax – the most exciting or important part of a story, usually near the end.
Tshivenda: Musi zwo lavhelelwaho zwa nṱhesa zwa ndeme kana zwi takadzaho zwi songo tsha swikelelwa kana zwi shushaho zwa puloto ya zwibveledzwa zwo dzhenelelwa nga zwa madakalo kana mafhungo o bvaho kha muṱoḓo wa puloto kana zwiwo zwi si na mushumo.
English: Anticlimax – when expected significant or exciting developments fail to occur, often replaced by trivial or less impactful outcomes in a plot.
Mapa wa muhumbulo
Tshivenda: Ndi girafu i imelaho thero kana ṱhoho ine maipfi na mihumbulo mihulwane zwa vha zwo dzudzanywa nga nḓila ya girafu.
English: Mind map – a graphical representation of main ideas or topics organized in a structured format.
Tshivenda: Maitele o tendelwaho kana milayo ine ya shumiswa kha luambo.
English: Grammar – the rules and structures governing a language.
Milayo ya u sielisana
Tshivenda: Milayo ine vhathu vha tendelana ngayo sa nḓingedzo ya u ṱuṱuwedza tshumisano kha zwo livhiwaho khazwo.
English: Collaboration rules – agreed-upon guidelines to encourage cooperation on specific tasks or topics.
Tshivenda: Anetshelwa ha zwiwo zwipfufhi hu na ndivho ya u mvumvusa kana u bvisela khagala mubvumbedzwa.
English: Anecdotes – short, often personal stories shared to inspire or highlight an idea in a funny way.
Tshivenda: Ndi ngona, maitele ane ngayo mulaedza wa nga pfukiselwa ngayo kha vhathu.
English: Mode – the manner or method used to communicate a message, e.g., speaking, writing, or visual presentation.
Muhoyo Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ndi tshitatamennde kana nyimele ine khayo muhumbulo muhulwane wa vha wo fhambana na zwine zwa khou ṱoḓou ambiwa.
English: Irony – when the intended meaning contrasts with the actual message conveyed.
Muhoyo wa ḓirama Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Afha ndi musi vhaṱaleli vha tshi ḓivha zwinzhi nga ha mubvumbedzwa, zwi tshi katela na zwine zwa ḓo bvelela khae ngeno ene muṋe a sa zwi ḓivhi.
English: Dramatic irony – when the audience knows more about a character’s situation than the character does.
Muṅwalo wa u pomba
Tshivenda: U ṅwala hu sa ṱhukhuwi hune maḽeḓere a ṅwalwa tshanḓa tshi so ngo takulwa.
English: Cursive writing – a style of writing where letters are joined in flowing strokes.
Muṱa wa maipfi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Tshigwada tsha maipfi ane a vha na vhushaka kana mudzi muthihi, une ngawo ha nga ṱumekanywa thangi na mitshila yo fhambanaho.
English: Word family – a group of related words sharing the same root.
Mutaladzi wa u thoma nganetshelo
Tshivenda: Ndi u anetshela kana tshiṱori kana zwiimeleli zwa zwiwo. Zwiwo zwi a imelelwa u ri hu vhe na u ṱumana vhukati hazwo.
English: Opening paragraph of a narrative – the introduction of a story or event that sets the stage for what follows.
Mutevhetsindo Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Mibvumo i re na vhushaka hone i na ṱhalutshedzo dzi sa fani kha vhurendi.
English: Sound sequence – sounds that are related in structure but have different meanings in context.
Tshivenda: Mihumbulo mihulwane i re na vhushaka i ṱumekanyaho.
English: Coherence – the logical organization of ideas in a paragraph or text.
Nganetshelo Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: U anetshelwa ha zwiwo nga nḓila i tevhekanaho hu tshi khou shumiswa maitele a u tou amba kana u ṅwala.
English: Narrative – the structured recounting of events or stories.
Nyimele Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Tshibveledzwa tshi shumiswa kana u ṱanganedziwa tshi kha nyimele yeneyo.
English: Context – the circumstances or setting in which a message or event occurs.
Tshivenda: Zwibveledzwa zwa vhutsila ha u ola.
English: Artifacts – creative works like drawings, paintings, or crafted objects.
Onomatopia Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: U shumiswa ha maipfi nga nḓila ine a bvisela mibvumo ya zwithu khagala.
English: Onomatopoeia – using words that imitate sounds, e.g., “buzz” or “crash.”
Okizimoroni Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ndi u ṱanganelana ha mishumo yo imelaho zwo fhambanaho zwo itwa nga khole.
English: Oxymoron – the juxtaposition of contradictory terms, e.g., “bittersweet.”
Pfanywa Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ipfi ḽine ḽa vha na ṱhalutshedzo i fanaho kana i ṱoḓaho u fana na ya ḽiṅwe tsumbo.
English: Synonym – a word with the same or a similar meaning as another word.
Pfufhifhadzo Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Tshitatamennde tsha muhumbulo tsha u khauledza ipfi.
English: Emphasis – a focus or stress placed on a particular idea or word.
Puloto Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Ndunzhe-ndunzhe ya mafhungo kana zwiwo kha maṅwalwa a nganetshelo na matambwa.
English: Plot – the structured sequence of events in a story or narrative.
Raimi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Maipfi kana mutaladzi kha tshirendo i no fhela nga mibvumo yo no fana hu tshi dzheniswa na pfalandoṱhe.
English: Rhyme – the repetition of similar sounds, often at the end of lines in poetry.
Ridzhisiṱara Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Maipfi, tshitaila na girama zwo shumiswaho nga muambi na vhaṅwali kha nyimele dzo fhambanaho.
English: Register – the use of language, style, and grammar appropriate for a specific audience or context.
Ṱhanganedzo nga-vhoṱhe
Tshivenda: Mulayo une wa ita uri pfunzo i swikelelwe nga vhoṱhe khathihi na vhaholefhali.
English: Inclusive education – policies ensuring education is accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.
U vhala nga nṱha (ṱavhanya) u itela u wana zwidodombedzwa zwa tshibveledzwa nga u angaredza (skimming)
Tshivenda: U sedza nga u ṱavhanya mafhungo makhulwane na ndeme kha zwibveledzwa hu si na u vhala zwine zwoṱhe zwa ṅwalwa.
English: Skimming – quickly going through text to get the main ideas or an overview without reading everything in detail.
U vhala nga nṱha (ṱavhanya) u itela u wana zwidodombedzwa zwa tshibveledzwa zwo nangiwaho (scanning)
Tshivenda: U sedza nga ṱavhanya zwidodombedzwa kana mafhungo o teaho kha zwibveledzwa.
English: Scanning – rapidly looking through text to find specific details or information.
U vhambedza
Tshivenda: U linga hu u ṱoḓou vhona uri zwithu zwi fana ngafhi.
English: Comparing – identifying similarities between two or more things.
U wa ha tshithu
Tshivenda: Nyito dzine dza itea nga murahu ha maṱhakheni.
English: Falling action – events that occur after the climax in a story.
Vhuḓi (aesthetic)
Tshivenda: Zwi kwamaho lunako kana u takalela lunako.
English: Aesthetic – relating to beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
Zwibveledzwa zwa vhudavhidzani zwi tshilaho
Tshivenda: Zwibveledzwa zwi ne zwa shumiswa kha ḽifhasi ḽa vhukuma, sa magazini na dzigurannḓa.
English: Real-world media products – materials used in the real world, such as magazines and newspapers.
Zwikili zwa u ṱhaṱhuvha ipfi
Tshivenda: Zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u shumana na zwine maipfi a so ngo ḓoweleaho a amba zwone.
English: Contextual cues – strategies to understand unfamiliar words based on surrounding information.
Zwiko zwa mafhungo zwinzhi
Tshivenda: Ṱhanganelo ya moudu nnzhi dzine dza nga katela zwibveledzwa zwa vhudavhidzani zwo ṅwalwaho, thusedzi dza u vhona, mubvumo, vidio na zwiṅwe-vho.
English: Multimodal texts – a combination of various forms of media, including written text, visuals, sound, video, and more.
Tshivenda: Hu wanalaho mafhungo kana zwithu.
English: Information – the availability of facts or details about something.
Zwivhumbeo zwa fhungo na milayo ya kushumisele kwa luambo
Tshivenda: Ndi nḓila dza u fhulufhedzisa vhushaka ha zwithu zwoṱhe zwo ambiwaho na u ṱuṱuwedza u shumisele zwa nṱha ha luambo na girama.
English: Language structures and usage rules – principles to ensure coherence and effective use of grammar and language.
Zwipiḓa zwa ipfi: Thangi, Mudzi, na Mutshila
- Thangi: Tshiṱuku tshi angaredzaho kana tshi engedzaho maipfi.
- Mudzi: Muhumbulo muhulwane une ipfi ḽa vha ḽo fhaṱa khawo.
- Mutshila: Tshiṱuku tshi khwinisaho kana tshi fhandekanyaho ipfi.
English: - Prefix: A small element added to the beginning of a word.
- Root: The central meaning of a word.
- Suffix: A small element added to the end of a word.
Tshaka Dza Madzina
- Dzina ḽa Khumbulelwa: Dzina ḽine ḽa ṱanganyisa tshithu nga nḓila yo dzumbamaho.
- Dzina ḽa Ngelekanyo: Dzina ḽa u linganisa zwithu.
- Dzina ḽa Zwi Kwameaho: Dzina ḽine ḽa sumbedza vhushaka na tshithu tshiṅwe.
- Dzina Tswititi: Dzina ḽa tshithu tshiṱuku.
- Dzina Zwaḽo: Dzina ḽine ḽa sumbedza vhukuma ha tshithu.
- Dzina Tserekano: Dzina ḽa tsha u hangwela zwithu zwi fanaho.
- Dzina Mbumbano: Dzina ḽine ḽa ṱanganya zwine zwa bveledza muhumbulo muthihi.
- Dzina Guṱe: Dzina ḽa u fhungudzwa.
- Dzina Mbalo: Dzina ḽa tshithu tshi si tsha vhukuma (ḽa zwi sa vhalei).
- Dzina Vhukuma: Dzina ḽa tshithu tshi vhonalaho vhukuma.
- Abstract Noun: A noun describing ideas or qualities (e.g., love, bravery).
- Comparative Noun: A noun used to compare objects or ideas.
- Relational Noun: A noun showing a connection with something else.
- Diminutive Noun: A noun indicating smallness or endearment.
- Concrete Noun: A noun denoting a tangible object.
- Collective Noun: A noun representing a group.
- Compound Noun: A noun formed by combining two or more words.
- Shortened Noun: A noun abbreviated for simplicity.
- Numerical Noun: A noun used to represent quantities.
- Proper Noun: A noun naming a specific person, place, or thing.
Masala Ndi Mini
- Masala Vhukuma: Zwi re na vhukuma.
- Masala a Vhushaka: Zwi re na vhushaka na tshithu tshiṅwe.
- Masumbi: Zwi engedzwaho zwine zwa sa vha zwa ndeme.
- Masala a Vhuṋe: Zwi re zwine zwa fana kana zwi langaho zwa vhuṋe.
- Masala a Vhathu: Zwi sumbedzaho vhathu kana mishumo yavho.
- Mbalo: Zwi sumbedzaho zwine zwa vhaliwa.
English: - Literal Details: Explicit, concrete descriptions.
- Relational Details: Indications of relationships.
- Additives: Extra details or items.
- Inherent Details: Features naturally belonging to something.
- Human Characteristics: Details relating to people.
- Quantitative Details: Numerically expressed information.
Maiti na Mamudi
- ḽikhaṱi ḽa ndi: Zwine zwa khou itwa zwino.
- ḽikhaṱi ḽa ndo: Zwine zwa ṱanganedza tshifhinga tsho fhelaho.
- ḽikhaṱi ḽa ḓo: Zwine zwa khou angaredza tshifhinga tshi ḓaho.
- ḽikhaṱi ḽa kha ḓi: Tshifhinga tshi sa athu bvelela.
- ḽikhaṱi ḽa khou: Zwi khou itwa zwino.
- Present Tense: Actions happening now.
- Past Tense: Actions that have already occurred.
- Future Tense: Actions that will happen later.
- Progressive Past: Actions that were ongoing in the past.
- Progressive Present: Actions ongoing at the current time.
Kushumisele kwo fhambanaho kwa Madzina/Maiti
Tshivenda: Kushumisele kwo linganaho zwi tshi ya nga nyimele kana muhumbulo une wa vha wo tevhelwa.
English: Different usage of nouns/verbs depending on context or intent.
Dzherandi Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: U bvela phanḓa hu tshi shumiswa maiti sa dzina.
English: Gerund – verbs used as nouns.
Mbofho Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Zwi sumba nḓila ine maṱanganyi a shumisana ngayo.
English: Cohesion – how words and sentences work together in a text.
ḽifurase Ndi Mini
Tshivenda: Muvhumbedzi kana ipfi ḽi tshi shumiswa nga nḓila yo fhambanaho u ṱuṱuwedza maipfi.
English: Phrase – a group of words working together as a unit.
Ṱhalutshedzo ya Mamudi
Tshivenda: Ṱhuṱe dzi tshi ṱalutshedza mishumo ya maipfi kana maiti.
English: Explanation of grammar components – the roles played by words or verbs.