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Setswana Grammar and Literature Common Words Meanings

Below, we have translated the main Setswana language words used to assess students when dealing with grammar, essays, and literature for their exams, tests, and assignments.

Akeronimi (Acronym)

Setswana: Lefoko le le agiwang ka go kopanya ditlhaka tse di simololang mafoko a a telele.
Sekao: PIR (Puo ya ho Ithuta le ho Ruta), Boleswa (Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland).
English: Acronym – A word formed from the initial letters of a multi-word name or phrase.

Baakanya Diphoso (Error Correction)

Setswana: Go ntsha diphoso mo lokwalong kgotsa mo puong e ngotsweng le go e ntlafatsa.
English: Error Correction – The process of identifying and fixing mistakes in writing or speech.

Baamogedi (Audience)

Setswana: Batho ba ba reetsang, ba bogang, kgotsa ba amogelang molaetsa mo tirong e e rileng.
English: Audience – The intended group of readers, listeners, or viewers of a particular communication.

Baanelwa (Characters)

Setswana: Batho ba mokwadi a kwang ka ga bone mo paleng, go akaretsa maina le ditshwantsho tsa bone.
English: Characters – The individuals featured in a narrative, including their names and traits.

Boakaretsi (Inclusivity)

Setswana: Molawana o o akaretsang barutwana botlhe go tsenya le ba ba nang le bogole kgotsa mefokolo.
English: Inclusivity – Ensuring that all learners, including those with disabilities, are accommodated in learning.

Boiphediso (Career Goal)

Setswana: Maikaelelo a tiro kgotsa se motho a batlang go nna sona morago ga dithuto.
English: Career Goal – A student’s aspiration regarding what they aim to pursue after their studies.

Dipuisano (Discussion)

Setswana: Kgolagano ya dikakanyo tse di kganetsanang kgotsa tse di dumalanang ka sepheo sa go nna le tumalano.
English: Discussion – A structured exchange of ideas, either agreeing or opposing, with the aim of reaching consensus.

Dipotso Tse di Sa Batleng Dikarabo (Rhetorical Questions)

Setswana: Dipotso tse di sa ikaelelang gore di arabiwe, tse di dirang gore batho ba akanye.
Sekao: “A lo batla go boela mo pusong ele ya tlhaolele?”
English: Rhetorical Questions – Questions posed for effect, not requiring an answer.

Ditlhhangwa Tsa Ntlha (Drafts)

Setswana: Dikwalo tse di kwalwang pele e le diphetolelo tse di sa rileng tsa mokwalo o o feletseng.
English: Drafts – Preliminary versions of a written work, used to refine and improve the final product.

Ditshwanelo Tsa Botho (Human Rights)

Setswana: Mafelo a motho mongwe le mongwe a nang le one go ya ka molaotheo.
English: Human Rights – The basic rights and freedoms guaranteed to individuals by law.

Emelela Ntlha (Supporting a Point)

Setswana: Go tshegetsa sengwe ka dintlha tse di tlhomameng.
English: Supporting a Point – Providing justification or evidence to validate an argument.

Go Phopholetsa (Exploring)

Setswana: Go leka go tlhaloganya kgotsa go ithuta ka sengwe ka kelotlhoko.
English: Exploring – Examining or investigating something in detail.

Godisa (Enhance)

Setswana: Go oketsa kgotsa go tokafatsa bokgoni, kitso, kgotsa boleng jwa sengwe.
English: Enhance – To improve or add value to something.

Kgobokanyo ya Dintlha (Data Collection)

Setswana: Go kgobokanya tshedimosetso tse di tsamaisanang le nngwe le nngwe.
English: Data Collection – The act of gathering and organizing relevant information.

Lebolelateng (AIDS)

Setswana: Mogare o o koafatsang mmele wa motho ka go gobatsa masole a mmele.
English: AIDS – A disease caused by the HIV virus, weakening the immune system.

Lekgotlhana (Forum)

Setswana: Ditlhopha tse di nnang le dipuisano tse di tseneletseng ka ntlha e e rileng.
English: Forum – A group or gathering for discussion or debate on a specific topic.

Makwalwatshwana (Homonyms)

Setswana: Mafoko a a kwalwang fela go tshwana mme a farologane ka bokao.
Sekao: “Tshela” (botshelo) le “tshela” (go tshela metsi).
English: Homonyms – Words that are spelled or pronounced the same but have different meanings.

Marara (Complex Events)

Setswana: Ditiragalo tse di thata go tlhaloganyega ka bonako.
English: Complex Events – Situations or occurrences that are difficult to comprehend or analyze.

Matseno (Introduction)

Setswana: Tlhaloso e e gorosang ka ntlha tse di kgethegileng mo setlhogong.
English: Introduction – A comprehensive explanation providing an overview of the subject matter.

Madumatshwana (Homonyms)

Setswana: Mafoko a a kwalwang ka go tshwana gape a dumang ka go tshwana, ntswa a farologana ka bokao.

  • Kgala (go kgala ga seedi) le kgala (ya ditlhong).
  • Tshela (wa botshelo) le tshela (wa go tlola, jaaka tsela kgotsa noka).
    English: Homonyms – Words that are spelled and pronounced the same but have different meanings.

Mefutakwalo (Genres)

Setswana: Mefuta ya dikwalo tse di akaretsang porosa, maboko, dipadi, dinaane le diterama.
English: Genres – Categories of literature such as prose, poetry, novels, folktales, and plays.

Mefuta ya Dipolelo (Types of Sentences)

Setswana: Mefuta e e farologaneng ya dipolelo, tse di akaretsang dipotso, ditaelo, dipegelo, le tse dingwe.
English: Types of Sentences – Includes questions, commands, statements, and other sentence forms.

Melawana (Conventions)

Setswana: Ditlwaelo tse di amogelegileng mo puong ka kakaretso, jaaka tsela ya boitshwaro, go bua, kgotsa go kwala mafoko ka tatelano e e siameng.
English: Conventions – Accepted norms or rules in language usage, such as sentence structure or polite communication.

Mogopolo (Idea)

Setswana: Se motho a se akanyang; monagano kgotsa kakanyo.
English: Idea – A thought, plan, or suggestion formed in the mind.

Mokgwa (Method)

Setswana: Tsela kgotsa mokgwa o tiro e dirwang ka teng.
English: Method – The way or manner in which a task is carried out.

Ntlhakemo (Key Point)

Setswana: Ntlha ya botlhokwa e e tsweletswang mo puisanong kgotsa mo sekotwaneng.
English: Key Point – A crucial or significant idea presented in a discussion or text.

Nonofo (Strength)

Setswana: Go tlhagisa tiro ka boleng le katlego e e tlhokegang.
English: Strength – Demonstrating capability and effectiveness in performing a task.

Polelonolo (Simple Sentence)

Setswana: Ke polelo e e nang le polelwanakutu e le nngwe fela.
Sekao: Mosimane o ja bogobe.
English: Simple Sentence – A sentence with only one independent clause.

Polelotswako (Compound Sentence)

Setswana: Polelo e e nang le dipolelwanakutu tse pedi kgotsa go feta tse di kopantsweng ka lekopanyi.
Sekao: Mosimane o ja bogobe gonne o tshwerwe ke tlala.
English: Compound Sentence – A sentence with two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction.

Polelopate (Complex Sentence)

Setswana: Polelo e e nang le polelwanakutu e le nngwe le polelwanakalatlhalosi e le nngwe kgotsa go feta.
Sekao: Barutwana ga ba a tla sekolong gonne pula e na.
English: Complex Sentence – A sentence with one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause.

Poloto (Plot)

Setswana: Tatelano ya ditiragalo tsa setlhopha, tse di nang le mabaka a a di tlholang.
English: Plot – The sequence of events in a story, driven by causes and effects.

Polotwana (Subplot)

Setswana: Ditiragalopotlana tse di kentsweng mo polotong e kgolo go oketsa tiragatso.
English: Subplot – A secondary storyline that complements the main plot.

Puo ya Botshwantshi (Figurative Language)

Setswana: Puo e e tsenyeletsang dikapuo, maele, diane, le manatetshapuo a mangwe.
English: Figurative Language – Language that includes metaphors, idioms, proverbs, and other non-literal expressions.

Puo e e Digelang (Persuasive Language)

Setswana: Puo e e tsietsang motho gore a dumalane le kakanyo ka tsela ya borai.
English: Persuasive Language – Speech or writing that convinces someone to agree with a certain perspective.

Rejisetara (Register)

Setswana: Mokgwa wa mafoko le thutapuo e e dirisiwang go ikaegile ka maemo kgotsa mabaka a a rileng.
English: Register – The level of formality or style of language used depending on the context.

Segalo (Tone)

Setswana: Maikutlo a mokwadi, mmui, kgotsa sebui a a tsamaisang maikutlo a babui kgotsa babadi.
English: Tone – The writer or speaker’s attitude conveyed to the audience through their choice of words and expressions.

Setlhangwa (Mode of Communication)

Setswana: Tsela e motlhaeletsi a e dirisang go tlhagisa kgotsa go fetisa tshedimosetso, jaaka go kwala, bua, leba, kgotsa supetsa.
English: Mode of Communication – The method used to convey information, such as writing, speaking, visualizing, or demonstrating.

Setlhangwa sa Bofelo (Final Product)

Setswana: Setlhangwa se se kwalwang kgotsa se se dirwang mo bofelong ka morero wa go newa mogokaganyi kgotsa morutabana gore se tlhathlolwe.
English: Final Product – The completed work presented for assessment or feedback.

Thadiso (Summary)

Setswana: Go neela ka tlhaloso ya sengwe, buka, tlhami kgotsa tiragalo ka bokhutshwane ka go kwala kgotsa go bua.
English: Summary – A brief explanation or description of something, such as a book or event.

Thelelo (Fluency)

Setswana: Go buisa ka maikutlo a a maleba le diteng ka tsela e e lebegang sentle, e e nang le melao ya puiso e e nepagetseng.
English: Fluency – The ability to express oneself clearly and smoothly, with proper tone, content, and structure.

Thesorase (Thesaurus)

Setswana: Thanodi e e bontshang makaelagongwe le malatodi a mafoko.
English: Thesaurus – A reference book that lists synonyms and antonyms.

Tomagano (Integration)

Setswana: Dikakanyo tse di tlhalosegang ka dikarolwana tsa tsona tsa go tlhalosa kgotsa go dira sengwe.
English: Integration – Combining different ideas or parts into a coherent whole.

Tlhagisa (Presentation)


  1. Go neela tshedimosetso ka ga sengwe kgotsa kgang.
  2. Go supa tiro e e dirilweng.
    English: Presentation – The act of sharing information or showcasing a task or concept.

Tlhamo (Creation)

Setswana: Go tlhama kgotsa go simolola sengwe se se itlhophileng ka morero wa go neela tshedimosetso kgotsa go dirisiwa.
English: Creation – The act of producing something new, either for communication or application.

Tlhatlhobo (Analysis)

Setswana: Tlhatlhobo ka mokgwa o o rileng go bona sebopego kgotsa gore sengwe se tlhamilwe jang.
English: Analysis – A systematic examination to understand structure or composition.

Tlhotlhomisa (Investigation)

Setswana: Go batlisisa sengwe se se sa tlhaloganyegeng sentle ka go buisa, botsa dipotso, kgotsa go lebelela.
English: Investigation – A detailed inquiry to discover facts or clarify information.

Tlopelo (Unnecessary Words)

Setswana: Tiriso ya mafoko a rileng a a sa tlhokegeng mo setlhangweng.
English: Redundancy – The use of unnecessary or repetitive words in a piece of writing.

Totobetseng (Explicit Meaning)

Setswana: Bokao jo bo kwadilweng sentle le jo bo tlhaloganyegang ntle le tlhakano.
English: Explicit Meaning – A clear and direct interpretation of a word or concept.

Tseregano (Editing)

Setswana: Ke go ntsha diphoso mo sekwalong, go phophotha sekwalo mme go dirwe diphetogo tse di maleba.
English: Editing – The process of reviewing and correcting errors in a piece of writing.

Tlhhotlhomiso (Scanning)

Setswana: Go lebelela sengwe ka bonako ka maitlhomo a go bona dintlha tse di botlhokwa fela.
English: Scanning – Quickly looking over a text to identify key points or details.

Tlamanyi (Conjunction)

Setswana: Letshwao la puiso le le dirisiwang go kopanya mafoko kgotsa dipolelwana.
Sekao: Molatlhwa-le-bowa.
English: Conjunction – A word or phrase used to link words, clauses, or sentences.

Tlhaleletsano (Communication)

Setswana: Puisano ka mogala, lekwalo, seyalemowa, thelebishene, kgotsa mekgwa e mengwe.
English: Communication – The exchange of information through various channels, such as phone, letters, radio, or TV.

Tlhama Kakanyo (Concept Creation)

Setswana: Tlhamo ya se se akantsweng kgotsa se se dirilweng ka maitlhomo fela.
English: Concept Creation – The process of formulating or generating ideas or concepts.

Setswana Language Rules and Sentence Structures

Dipopego tsa Polelo (Sentence Structures)

  1. Polelonolo (Simple Sentence):
    • Tlhaloso: Polelo e e nang le karolo e le nngwe fela ya polelwanakutu.
    • Sekao: Mpho o ja. (Mpho is eating.)
  2. Polelotswako (Compound Sentence):
    • Tlhaloso: Dipolelwana tse pedi kgotsa go feta tse di kopantsweng ka lekopanyi.
    • Sekao: Mpho o ja, mme Thato o opela. (Mpho is eating, and Thato is singing.)
  3. Polelopate (Complex Sentence):
    • Tlhaloso: Polelo e e nang le polelwanakutu e le nngwe le polelwanakala e le nngwe kgotsa go feta.
    • Sekao: Mpho o ja ka gonne o tshwerwe ke tlala. (Mpho is eating because she is hungry.)
  4. Polelotswakopate (Compound-Complex Sentence):
    • Tlhaloso: Polelo e e nang le dipolelwana tse pedi tse di kopantsweng le polelwanakala e le nngwe kgotsa go feta.
    • Sekao: Mpho o ja, mme Thato o opela fa Pule a ntse a bala. (Mpho is eating, and Thato is singing while Pule is reading.)

Dipopi Tsa Mafoko (Word Parts)

  1. Maina (Nouns):
    • Dikgwebo (Types):
      • Mainakgopolo: Bokgoni, lorato.
      • Mainakgongwa: Lesego, madi.
      • Mainatswako: Leina le le tlhophilweng mo go tse dingwe (sekao: masimo a tshimo).
      • Mainagoboka: Leina la diphaka tse di bokane (sekao: morafe).
      • Mainatota: Mafoko a leina a botlhokwa fela.
    • Diphetogo:
      • Bong (Gender): Mosimane, mosetsana.
      • Bontsi (Plural): Pudi – dipudi.

  1. Madiri (Verbs):
    • Dikgwebo:
      • Madiritota: Dirisa (to use).
      • Madirimatswa: Tswelela (to proceed).
      • Madirimathusi: Kaela (to guide).
    • Dikgatoloso tsa Pakajana:
      • Pakajaanong: Ke dira. (I am doing.)
      • Pakatlang: Ke tla dira. (I will do.)
      • Pakapheti: Ke dira ka metlha. (I do regularly.)
      • Pakafetileng Tsweledi: Ke dirile. (I did.)
      • Pakafetilengpheti: Ke ne ka dira. (I had done.)

  1. Matlhaodi (Adjectives):
    • Dikgwebo:
      • A Palo: Baithuti ba le bararo. (Three students.)
      • A Popego: Setswana se monate. (Setswana is sweet.)
      • A Mmala: Hempe e kgubedu. (The red shirt.)

Makopanyi le Dikgolaganyo Tsa Dipolelo (Sentence Connectors)

  1. Tatelano (Sequence):
    • Sekao: Sa ntlha, sa bobedi, la bofelo.
    • English: First, second, finally.
  2. Tlhaloso (Cause and Effect):
    • Sekao: Ka jalo, ka lebaka la gore.
    • English: Therefore, because.
  3. Papiso (Comparison):
    • Sekao: Tshwana le, farologana le.
    • English: Similar to, different from.
  4. Tatelano ya Mafelo (Spatial Order):
    • Sekao: Kwa godimo, mo mojeng.
    • English: Above, to the right.

Matshwao a Puiso (Punctuation)

  1. Khutlo: (.) – Go supa bokhutlo jwa polelo.
  2. Phegelo: (,) – Go kgaoganya mafoko kgotsa dikarolo tsa polelo.
  3. Ditlhakakgolo: – Go simolola leina kgotsa mafoko a bohlokwa.
  4. Tlamanyi: (-) – Go kopanya mafoko.

Temogo e e Tseneletseng ya Tiriso ya Puo (Deep Language Analysis)

  1. Ntsha Diphoso (Error Identification):
    • Go sekaseka mokwalo go bona diphoso mo puong, mepeleto le matshwao a puiso.
  2. Kakanyo (Critical Thinking):
    • Go tlhaloganya maikutlo a mokwadi, mabaka a gagwe le maitlhomo.
  3. Puo e e Tlhotlheletsang (Persuasive Language):
    • Tiriso ya puo go rotloetsa bareetsi go dumela kgotsa go itshwara ka tsela e e rileng.

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